As we wind down for Christmas, we want to thank those who have supported us this year ❤️ …. ANNND let you know that exciting things are coming in 2023.
While our renovation continues, we are busy bees behind the scenes.
Utopia Wellness Magazine will be launching on January 1st, 2023. How exciting! 😬🥰
Grab your copy for monthly spa updates, coupons, sales, free product samples, delicious/nutritious recipes, info on interesting or emerging products and technologies, and our monthly blog post. Plus, meet one of our friendly business neighbours in every issue.
Digital copies available January 1. Print copies available in the spring. 🙏🏼❤️
#YEGlocal #yegspa #yegmagazine #yegcommunity #edmontonlocal #edmontoncommunity #yegsmallbusiness #edmontonsmallbusiness
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