100% in love with the way @isclinical has transformed my skin so quickly. Consistent use over the last 2 months has brought glow and firmness back to areas that were a constant struggle. I have been able to adjust my make-up routine (to almost nothing) and focus on new issues that I had previously felt were untreatable - like my dark circles and pore size. Stay tuned! 👀🤣 Thank you Chanelle @the.face.revive for transforming my skin over the last several weeks. ❤️🙏🏼😭 #yegmedispa #yegskincare #isclinicalskincare
#isclinical #isclinicalcanada #isclinicaledmonton #isclinicalyeg #yegskin #yegfacials #yegesthetics #yegesthetician #bestesthetician #bestfacial #skingenius #skingenie #skincareexpert #skintransformation #yeg #yeglocal #yegritchie #yegwomen #yegmom #yegwomeninbusiness